I thought it would be fun to teach yoga to Ike's preschool class, so I volunteered to go last week. There were 6 children hovering around 2 years old. It was a little chaotic to say the least, but we still had a blast. When Ike and I have our yoga time at home he's such a good student, but add his friends to the mix, and the "I'm not going to share my Mommy" Ike comes out.
When we were mooing in cow pose and purring in cat pose, Ike thought it would be fun to ride on mommy's backI would ask the class to lay on our bellies and hiss like a snake in cobra pose, again Ike held on tightly to mommy's back. When I tried to get him on his own mat he would cry, and come back to Mommy. When we layed on our backs and acted like wiggly bugs, or happy babies, Ike wanted me to lift him in the air and play superman. When the class got out of control I would do a breathing exercise where we pretended to brush our teeth and spit out our toothpaste, for some reason this got the babes focused. They loved brushing their teeth and it's was a great way to get back on track. All and all it was a fun time, just a little crazy having Ike attached to me and cry when I didn't play with him, and only him.
I have a new respect for Ike's teacher, Miss Ivy. She has utmost patience, and treats each student with such loving kindness.
Check out the picture below. Who's on my back?